New Book Tuesday! Underwater, Made in Hong Kong, and More!

Our weekly list of new books is now available!
Loss, Flood Insurance, and the Moral Economy of Climate Change in the United States
Rebecca Elliott
In Underwater, Rebecca Elliott explores how families, communities, and governments confront problems of loss as the climate changes. She offers the first in-depth account of the politics and social effects of the U.S. National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which provides flood insurance protection for virtually all homes and small businesses that require it.
Made in Hong Kong
Transpacific Networks and a New History of Globalization
Peter E. Hamilton
Between 1949 and 1997, Hong Kong transformed from a struggling British colonial outpost into a global financial capital. Made in Hong Kong delivers a new narrative of this metamorphosis, revealing Hong Kong both as a critical engine in the expansion and remaking of postwar global capitalism and as the linchpin of Sino-U.S. trade since the 1970s.
Kinship Novels of Early Modern Korea
Between Genealogical Time and the Domestic Everyday
Ksenia Chizhova
In Kinship Novels of Early Modern Korea, Ksenia Chizhova foregrounds lineage novels and the domestic world in which they were read to recast the social transformations of Chosŏn Korea and the development of early modern Korean literature.
The Best American Magazine Writing 2020
Edited by Sid Holt for the American Society of Magazine Editors
The Best American Magazine Writing 2020 brings together outstanding writing, from in-depth reporting to incisive criticism. The anthology features excerpts from major projects that challenge American certitudes: the Washington Post Magazine’s “Prison” issue, detailing the scope of mass incarceration, and the New York Times Magazine’s “The 1619 Project,” which recenters the nation’s history around slavery and its legacies.
The People’s Choice
How the Voter Makes Up His Mind in a Presidential Campaign, Legacy Edition
Paul F. Lazarsfeld, Bernard Berelson, and Hazel Gaudet
The People’s Choice is a landmark psychological and statistical study of American voters during the 1940 and 1944 presidential elections, originally published in 1948. Amid a burgeoning interest in statistics and population sampling, it constituted the first systematic effort to trace voters’ behavior across the duration of a presidential campaign and to follow up on this data years later.
Preserving Neighborhoods
How Urban Policy and Community Strategy Shape Baltimore and Brooklyn
Aaron Passell
Featuring compelling narrative interviews alongside quantitative data, Preserving Neighborhoods is a nuanced mixed-methods study of an important local-level urban policy and its surprisingly varied consequences.
The Language of History
Sanskrit Narratives of Indo-Muslim Rule
Audrey Truschke
At a time when exclusionary Hindu nationalism, which often grounds its claims on fabricated visions of India’s premodernity, dominates the Indian public sphere, The Language of History shows the complexity and diversity of the subcontinent’s past.
In Remembrance of the Saints
The Rise and Fall of an Inner Asian Sufi Dynasty
Muḥammad Ṣadiq Kashghari. Translated by David Brophy
This volume presents the complete, long recension of In Remembrance of the Saints, translated for the first time into any Western language and extensively annotated with reference to both Islamic and Qing sources.
New from Columbia Business School Publishing!
Making Great Strategy
Arguing for Organizational Advantage
Jesper B. Sørensen and Glenn R. Carroll
This book shows that while great strategic thinking is hard, it is not a mystery. Widely applicable and relevant for managers and leaders at all levels, especially executive teams charged with setting the course of their organizations, it is essential reading for anyone faced with practical problems of strategic management.
New In Paper!
Retirement and Its Discontents
Why We Won’t Stop Working, Even If We Can
Michelle Pannor Silver
In Retirement and Its Discontents, Michelle Pannor Silver considers how we confront the mismatch between idealized and actual retirement. She follows doctors, CEOs, elite athletes, professors, and homemakers during their transition to retirement as they struggle to recalibrate their sense of purpose and self-worth.
When the State Winks
The Performance of Jewish Conversion in Israel
Michal Kravel-Tovi
When the State Winks carefully traces the performance of state-endorsed Orthodox conversion to highlight the collaborative labor that goes into the making of the Israeli state and its Jewish citizens.
Categories:New Book Tuesday
Tags:Aaron PassellAudrey TruschkeBernard BerelsonDavid BrophyGlenn R. CarrollHazel GaudetIn Remembrance of the SaintsJesper B. SorensenKinship Novels of Early Modern KoreaKsenia ChizhovaMade in Hong KongMaking Great StrategyMichal Kravel-ToviMichelle Pannor SilverMuḥammad Ṣadiq KashghariPaul F. LazarsfeldPeter E. HamiltonPreserving NeighborhoodsRebecca ElliottRetirement and Its DiscontentsSid HoltThe Best American Magazine Writing 2020The Language of HistoryThe People’s ChoiceUnderwaterWhen the State Winks