Media Roundup: Books in Business and Leadership Authored by Women

In celebration of Women’s History Month, today we are featuring books about business and leadership and planning for retirement, authored by women.

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Business and Leadership


Business and Society in the New Social Landscape

James Rubin and Barie Carmichael

Reset traces the global decline of trust in business at the same time that the public’s expectations for business’s role in society are rising. 

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From the CUP Archive

Retirement and Its Discontents

Why We Won’t Stop Working, Even if We Can

Michelle Pannor Silver

In Retirement and Its Discontents, Michelle Pannor Silver considers how we confront the mismatch between idealized and actual retirement. She follows doctors, CEOs, elite athletes, professors, and homemakers during their transition to retirement as they struggle to recalibrate their sense of purpose and self-worth.

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From the CUP Archive

Rescuing Retirement

A Plan to Guarantee Retirement Security for All Americans

Teresa Ghilarducci and Tony James
Foreword by Timothy Geithner.

In Rescuing Retirement, Teresa Ghilarducci and Tony James offer a comprehensive yet simple plan to help workers save for retirement, increase retirement savings by earning higher returns, and guarantee lifelong income for everyone.

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The Conversational Firm

Rethinking Bureaucracy in the Age of Social Media

Catherine J. Turco

The Conversational Firm offers multiple lessons for anyone curious about the effect of social media on the corporate environment and adds depth to debates over the new generation of employees reared on social media: Millennials who carry their technological habits and expectations into the workplace. 

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Moral Hazard in Health Insurance

Amy Finkelstein With Kenneth J. Arrow, Jonathan Gruber, Joseph P. Newhouse, and Joseph E. Stiglitz

Drawing on research from both the original RAND Health Insurance Experiment and her own research, including a 2008 Health Insurance Experiment in Oregon, Finkelstein presents compelling evidence that health insurance does indeed affect medical spending and encourages policy solutions that acknowledge and account for this. 

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Morals and Markets

The Development of Life Insurance in the United States

Viviana A. Rotman Zelizer
Foreword by Kieran Healy

 First published in 1979, Morals and Markets Is a pathbreaking study exploring the development of life insurance in the United States. Viviana A. Rotman Zelizer combines economic history and a sociological perspective to advance a novel interpretation of the life insurance industry. The book pioneered a cultural approach to the analysis of morally controversial markets.

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Appetite for Innovation

Creativity and Change at elBulli

M. Pilar Opazo

Appetite for Innovation is an organizational analysis of elBulli and the nature of innovation. Pilar Opazo joined elBulli’s inner circle as the restaurant transitioned from a for-profit business to its new organizational model.

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From the CUP Archive

The Designing for Growth Field Book

A Step-by-Step Project Guide, second edition

Jeanne Liedtka, Tim Ogilvie, and Rachel Brozenske

In Designing for Growth: A Design Thinking Tool Kit for Managers(D4G), Jeanne Liedtka and Tim Ogilvie showed how design can boost innovation and drive growth. In this companion guide, also suitable as a stand-alone project workbook, the authors provide a step-by-step framework for applying the D4G toolkit and process to a particular project, systematically explaining how to address the four key questions of their design thinking approach.

From the CUP Archive

Capital and the Common Good

How Innovative Finance Is Tackling the World’s Most Urgent Problems

Georgia Levenson Keohane

Capital and the Common Good shows how market failure in one context can be solved with market solutions from another: an expert in securitization bundles future development aid into bonds to pay for vaccines today; an entrepreneur turns a mobile phone into an array of financial services for the unbanked; and policy makers adapt pay-for-success models from the world of infrastructure to human services like early childhood education, maternal health, and job training.                           

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