New from Our Distributed Presses! Everyday Violence in the Lives of Youth, More Powerful Together, Challenging the Right, Augmenting the Left, and More!

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Everyday Violence in the Lives of Youth
Speaking Out and Pushing Back
Edited by Helene Berman, Catherine Richardson, Kate Elliott, and Eugenia Canas
Working with Indigenous, queer, immigrant and homeless youth across Canada, this five-year Youth-based Participatory Action Research project used art to explore the many ways that structural violence harms youth, destroying hope, optimism, a sense of belonging and a connection to civil society.
More Powerful Together
Conversations With Climate Activists and Indigenous Land Defenders
Jen Gobby
As an activist, Gobby has been actively involved with climate justice, anti-pipeline, and Indigenous land defense movements in Canada for many years. As a researcher, she has sat down with folks from these movements and asked them to reflect on their experiences with movement building. Bringing their incredibly poignant insights into dialogue with scholarly and activist literature on transformation, Gobby weaves together a powerful story about how change happens.
In reflecting on what’s working and what’s
Challenging the Right, Augmenting the Left
Recasting Leftist Imagination
Edited by Robert Latham, A. T. Kingsmith, Julian von Bargen, and Niko Block
This book provides suggestions for working with popular disaffection, taking the rich, fragmented, conflicted history of refusals and defeats as a starting point for next steps in the struggle against capitalism and the far right, rather than as the basis for more conflict or defeatism.
Canada In The World
Settler Capitalism and the Colonial Imagination
Tyler A. Shipley
An accessible and empirically rich introduction to Canada’s engagements in the world since confederation, this introductory textbook charts a unique path by locating Canada’s colonial foundations at the heart of the analysis.
From the Critical Development Studies series
The Political Economy of Agrarian Extractivism
Lessons From Bolivia
Ben M. McKay
The Political Economy of Agrarian Extractivism analyzes how the Bolivian countryside is transformed by the development and expansion of the soy complex and reveals the extractive dynamics of capitalist industrial agriculture, while also challenging dominant discourses legitimating this model as a means to achieve inclusive and sustainable rural development.
Categories:Distributed PressesFernwood Publishing
Tags:A. T. KingsmithAugmenting the LeftBen M. McKayCanada In The WorldCatherine RichardsonChallenging the RightEugenia CanasEveryday Violence in the Lives of YouthHelene BermanJen GobbyJulian von BargenKate ElliottMore Powerful TogetherNiko BlockRobert LathamThe Political Economy of Agrarian ExtractivismTyler A. Shipley