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New Book Tuesday! Buying Gay, Media Persuasion in the Islamic State, New Authoritarianism And More!

Our list of new books is now available!
Media Persuasion in the Islamic State
Neil Krishan Aggarwal
The Book of Lord Shang
Apologetics of State Power in Early China, abridged edition
Shang Yang. Edited and translated by Yuri Pines
Preservation and the New Data Landscape
Edited by Erica Avrami
Facing Up to Low Productivity Growth
Edited by Adam Posen and Jeromin Zettelmeyer
Categories:New Book Tuesday
Tags:Adam PosenBuying GayDavid K. JohnsonEmma WestwoodErica AvramiFacing Up to Low Productivity GrowthJeromin ZettelmeyerJerzy J. WiatrJohannes BronkhorstMedia Persuasion in the Islamic StateNeil Krishan AggarwalNew AuthoritarianismPreservation and the New Data LandscapeShang YangThe Book of Lord ShangThe FlyYuri Pines