“Tough Love” Tips from The CEO’s Boss

The CEO’s Boss serves up a wealth of practical, hands-on recommendations to build a productive partnership and a plan of action for a variety of businesses and settings…. For anyone who wants to take board evaluation, leadership structure, and dynamics to the next level, The CEO’s Boss is inspired reading and will provide impetus for discussion.

~Corporate Board Member

This week you’ve read about how “tough love” in the boardroom could have saved Tesla $40 Million. You’ve read the preface and sampled a chapter about “tough love.” Now, we’re rounding up the week with five tips offered in the second edition of The CEO’s Boss: Tough Love in the Boardroom, by William M. Klepper

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The CEO’s Boss offers the following summary guidance when “tough love” in the boardroom is needed:

  • Boards benefit from those who study CEO tenure and company performance.
  • There are specific leadership agenda, practices and behaviors needed to achieve success at the various stages in the lifecycle of their business.
  • Knowing the organization’s needs (strategy, priorities, and gaps), look first at the CEO and the senior team to find the correct match, look elsewhere if the correct match is not found.
  • Not addressing the mismatch of the CEO’s agenda, practices, and behavior can result in the CEO and the company becoming dysfunctional.
  • Activist investors will seize on the indecisiveness by the board to confront a mismatch.

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