New Book Tuesday!Lust on Trial, Dust and Other Stories, Care Home Stories, Landscapes of Music in Istanbul and More!

Our weekly listing of new books is now available!

Dust and Other Stories

Yi T’aejun. Translated by Janet Poole

Éric Rohmer

A Biography

Antoine de Baecque and Noël Herpe. Translated by Steven Rendall and Lisa Neal

Lust on Trial

Censorship and the Rise of American Obscenity in the Age of Anthony Comstock

Amy Werbel

(Post)Colonial Histories

Trauma, Memory and Reconciliation in the Context of the Angolan Civil War

Edited by Steffi Hobuß and Benedikt Jager


Actors and Networks in the Megacity

A Literary Analysis of Urban Narratives

Prachi More



Care Home Stories

Aging, Disability, and Long-Term Residential Care

Edited by Sally Chivers and Ulla Kriebernegg


Chaos in the Contact Zone

Unpredictability, Improvisation, and the Struggle for Control in Cultural Encounters

Edited by Stephanie Wodianka and Christoph Behrens


Clash of Realities 2015/16

On the Art, Technology, and Theory of Digital Games

Clash of Realities



Congo Discourses in the United States from 1800 to the Present

Johnny Van Hove


Dealing with Elusive Futures

University Graduates in Urban Africa

Edited by Noemi Steuer, Michelle Engeler, and Elísio Macamo


Digital Culture & Society (DCS) Vol. 3, Issue 2/2017

Mobile Digital Practices

Edited by Ramón Reichert, Annika Richterich, Pablo Abend, Mathias Fuchs, and Karin Wenz


Digital Media and Textuality

From Creation to Archiving

Edited by Daniela Côrtes Maduro


Epilepsy Metaphors

Liminal Spaces of Individuation in American Literature, 1990-2015

Eleana Vaja


EU-Space and the Euroclass

Modernity, Nationality, and Lifestyle Among Eurocrats in Brussels

Pawel Michal Lewicki


Faking, Forging, Counterfeiting

Discredited Practices at the Margins of Mimesis

Edited by Daniel Becker, Annalisa Fischer, Simone Niehoff, Florencia Sannders, and Yola Schmitz


The Future of the Eurozone

How to Keep Europe Together: A Progressive Perspective from Germany

Edited by Alexander Schellinger and Philipp Steinberg


Healthcare as a Human Rights Issue

Normative Profile, Conflicts, and Implementation

Edited by Sabine Klotz, Heiner Bielefeldt, Martina Schmidhuber, and Andreas Frewer


Imagining Earth

Concepts of Wholeness in Cultural Constructions of Our Home Planet

Edited by Solvejg Nitzke and Nicolas Pethes


Jacob Moleschott – A Transnational Biography

Science, Politics, and Popularization in Nineteenth-Century Europe

Laura Meneghello


Kompositionen für hörbaren Raum / Compositions for Audible Space

Die frühe elektroakustische Musik und ihre Kontexte / The Early Electroacoustic Music and Its Contexts

Edited by Martha Brech and Ralph Paland


Landscapes of Music in Istanbul

A Cultural Politics of Place and Exclusion

Edited by Alex G. Papadopoulos and Asli Duru


Melting Pots & Mosaics

Children of Immigrants in US-American Literature

Rüdiger Heinze



Ethnographic Approximations

Edited by Florian Mühlfried


movements. Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies Vol. 3, Issue 2/2017

Turkey’s Changing Migration Regime and Its Global and Regional Dynamics

Edited by Ilker Ataç, Gerda Heck, Sabine Hess, Zeynep Kasli, Philipp Ratfisch, and Cavidan Soykan


Shifting Baselines of Europe

New Perspectives beyond Neoliberalism and Nationalism

European Alternatives, Daphne Büllesbach, Marta Cillero, and Lukas Stolz


Sounds of a New Generation

On Contemporary Jewish-American Literature

Deborah Wallrabenstein


Where the Everyday Begins

A Study of Environment and Everyday Life

James Morrow


Stranger Than Paradise

Jamie Sexton

(Wallflower Press)