New Book Tuesday! Fall of the Wild>,The Conversational Firm, Avicenna and the Aristotelian Left, and More

Our weekly list of new releases is here!
Avicenna and the Aristotelian Left
Ernst Bloch, translated by Loren Goldman and Peter Thompson
Man, the State, and War
A Theoretical Analysis, anniversary edition
Kenneth N. Waltz, foreword by Stephen M. Walt
The Best American Magazine Writing 2018
Edited by Sid Holt for the American Society of Magazine Editors
Categories:Book of the WeekNew Book Tuesday
Tags:and Ethics of of ConservatismAvicenna and the Aristotelian LeftBest American Magazine WritingBest American Magazine Writing 2018Culture of EncountersCulture of Encounters: Sanskrit at the Mughal CourtDe-ExtinctionMan The State and War: A Theoretical AnalysisMarching Through SufferingMarching Through Suffering: Loss and Survival in North KoreaNew Book TuesdayNew ReleasesThe Conversational FirmThe Conversational Firm: Rethinking Bureaucracy in the Age of Social MediaThe Fall of the WindThe Fall of the Wind: ExtinctionThe ShahnamehThe Shahnameh: The Persian Epic as World Literature