Book Excerpt! Hollywood’s Dirtiest Secret: The Hidden Environmental Costs of the Movies

“Hollywood’s Dirtiest Secret is an important new book that exposes the hidden environmental costs of how we make, watch, and dispose of movies.”
~ Alison Anderson, author of Media, Environment and the Network Society
Our week-long feature on Hollywood’s Dirtiest Secret: The Hidden Environmental Costs of the Movies continues today with this excerpt to the book’s introduction. In this work, Hunter Vaughan offers a new history of the movies from an environmental perspective, arguing that how we make and consume films has serious ecological consequences. He examines the environmental effects of filmmaking from Hollywood classics to the digital era, considering how screen media shapes and reflects our understanding of the natural world.
Want more? Read Monday’s guest blog by Hunter Vaughan: A Gilded Hollywood: The Dirty Truth Behind its Silver Screen or yesterday’s Q&A, and enter our drawing for your chance to win a copy of the book!