Book Giveaway! Environmental and Climate Studies

April 22 is Earth Day, but here at CUP, we believe that a discussion about the environment and climate change warrants more than one day of conversation. Thus, we’ll be showcasing new and forthcoming titles on the topic all month. Check back every day for guest blog posts, media roundups, and book excerpts for the titles listed below.
Fill out the form at the bottom of this page for a chance to win a copy of one of these books! The drawing will close at midnight EDT, on Tuesday, April 30. Winners will be contacted by Thursday, May 2.
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Coping with the Climate Crisis
Mitigation Policies and Global Coordination
Rabah Arezki, Patrick Bolton, Karim El Aynaoui, Maurice Obstfeld
The Madhouse Effect
How Climate Change Denial Is Threatening Our Planet, Destroying Our Politics, and Driving Us Crazy
Michael E. Mann and Tom Toles
Categories:Environmental Studies
Tags:and Andrew AngyalBen A. MinteerBenjamin I. CookClimate ChangeClimate CrisisCoping with the Climate CrisisDark EcologyDroughtEarth DayEarth Day 2019Hollywood's Dirtiest SecretHunter VaughanJohn GrimKarim El AynaouiKeith Makoto WoodhouseMary Evelyn TuckerMaurice ObstfeldMichael E. Mann and Tom TolesPatrick BoltonRabah ArezkiThe EcocentristsThe Fall of the WildThe Madhouse EffectThomas BerryTimothy MortonVanishing IceVivien Gornitz