Announcing Our 2022 Film, Media, and Journalism Studies Catalog

Letter from the editors:
We are very pleased to share with you an exciting range of new and forthcoming books in film, media, and journalism studies.
At a time when the future of film-going is very much a question, Ross Melnick’s Hollywood’s Embassies looks back to the history of how Hollywood studios built grand movie theaters around the world, showcasing not only American movies but the American way of life. The movie industry and movies as soft power is also examined in Hollywood and Israel by Tony Shaw and Giora Goodman.
In terms of films themselves, two new books examine the increasingly influential horror genre. Rosalind Galt’s Alluring Monsters looks at the extraordinary phenomenon of the Pontianak in Southeast Asian films, while Adam Lowenstein’s Horror Film and Otherness offers a critical account of why the genre matters for understanding social difference.
One of the great directors of Hollywood’s Golden Age is presented in a new light in Joseph McBride’s much-anticipated Billy Wilder, an engaging and comprehensive account of the director’s films. Richard Koszarski’s “Keep ‘Em in the East” offers a colorful history of New York City’s status as an innovative hub of filmmaking in the middle of the twentieth century. In Love with Movies is Dan Talbot’s posthumous memoir looks back on how his two New York City theaters changed film culture around the world. Looking outside the United States, Rochona Majumdar’s Art Cinema and India’s Forgotten Futures examines how film became central to and then critical of the Indian national project after independence.
We are also happy to announce the launch of the Investigating Visible Evidence: New Challenges for Documentary series with the publication of noted filmmaker Jill Godmilow’s Kill the Documentary, an urgent call for nonfiction film.
Under the Wallflower imprint, Linda Badley’s Lars von Trier Beyond Depression gives the most in-depth and authoritative critical account of the director’s recent films, the equally acclaimed and outrageous cycle that began with 2009’s Antichrist and stretches to his most recent feature, The House That Jack Built (2018). Badley draws on a wealth of original archival research and interviews with von Trier and his collaborators to paint a nuanced portrait of the controversial filmmaker.
Also new, through Wallflower’s Nonfictions series, is Efrén Cuevas’s innovative study of microhistorical documentaries Filming History from Below, which considers works by Jonas Mekas, Rithy Panh, and Péter Forgács, among others, as sites for the production of historical knowledge.
In journalism studies, two new books look back at the history of the profession with an eye to present-day debates and concerns. Andie Tucher’s Not Exactly Lying considers the long history of disinformation in journalism and what it says about our expectations of the profession. In Computing the News, Sylvain Parasie charts how journalists have used and struggled with data journalism.
We are proud to have published these titles and thank you for taking the time to consider our list of books.
Ryan Groendyk, Editor, Wallflower
Philip Leventhal, Editor for film, media, and journalism studies, Columbia University Press
Categories:CatalogsColumbia University PressFilmJournalismMedia StudiesSociety For Cinema and Media Studies
Tags:Adam LowensteinAlluring MonstersAndie TucherArt Cinema and India’s Forgotten FuturesBilly WilderComputing the NewsDan TalbotEfrén CuevasFilming History from BelowGiora GoodmanHollywood and IsraelHollywood's EmbassiesHorror Film and OthernessIn Love with MoviesJill GodmilowJoseph McBrideKeep ’Em in the EastKill the DocumentaryLars von Trier Beyond DepressionLinda BadleyNot Exactly LyingRichard KoszarskiRochona MajumdarRosalind GaltRoss MelnickSylvain ParasieTony Shaw