Video: Mark C. Taylor Reads from His New Book, Intervolution: Smart Bodies Smart Things

“Intervolution is at once informative and thought-provoking—a fascinating exploration of the ever-narrowing gap between men and machines. Mark C. Taylor uses his own experience of chronic illness to probe some of the central questions of our time.”
~Elizabeth Kolbert, author of The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History, winner of the Pulitzer Prize
Science fiction has long imagined a merger of humanity with technology—a reality we are now seeing in the medical treatments that fuse humans with other machines or bodies. Mark C. Taylor identifies this process as “intervolution” and explores how it is weaving together smart things and smart bodies to create new forms of life. In today’s SBL/AAR Annual Meetings Virtual exhibit video Taylor reads from his new book Intervolution: Smart Bodies Smart Things.
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