New Book Tuesday! One UP, The Future of Us, Social Appearances, and More!

Our weekly list of new books is now available!

One Up

Creativity, Competition, and the Global Business of Video Games

Joost van Dreunen

One Up offers a pioneering empirical analysis of innovation and strategy in the video game industry to explain how it has evolved from a fringe activity to become a mainstream form of entertainment. 

Social Appearances

A Philosophy of Display and Prestige

Barbara Carnevali
Translated by Zakiya Hanafi.

In this strikingly original book, Barbara Carnevali offers a philosophical examination of the roles that appearances play in social life. 

New In Paper!

The Future of Us

What the Dreams of Children Mean for Twenty-First-Century America

Irwin Redlener
Foreword by Jane Pauley

In this memoir, Redlener draws on poignant personal experiences to investigate the nation’s healthcare safety net and special programs that are designed to protect and nurture our most vulnerable kids, but that too often fail to do so.

The Politics of Losing

Trump, the Klan, and the Mainstreaming of Resentment

Rory McVeigh and Kevin Estep

In The Politics of Losing, Rory McVeigh and Kevin Estep trace the parallels between the 1920s Klan and today’s right-wing backlash, identifying the conditions that allow white nationalism to emerge from the shadows.


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