New Book Tuesday! Mag Men, Extraordinary Justice, The Brain in Context and more!

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Mag Men
Fifty Years of Making Magazines
Walter Bernard and Milton Glaser; foreword by Gloria Steinem
For more than fifty years, Walter Bernard and Milton Glaser have revolutionized the look of magazine journalism. In Mag Men, Bernard and Glaser recount their storied careers, offering insiders’ perspective on some of the most iconic design work of the twentieth century.
Extraordinary Justice
Law, Politics, and the Khmer Rouge Tribunals
Craig Etcheson
Craig Etcheson, one of the world’s foremost experts on the Cambodian genocide and its aftermath, draws on decades of experience to trace the evolution of transitional justice in the country from the late 1970s to the present. He considers how war crimes tribunals come into existence, how they operate and unfold, and what happens in their wake.
The Brain in Context
A Pragmatic Guide to Neuroscience
Jonathan D. Moreno and Jay Schulkin
In The Brain in Context, bioethicist Jonathan D. Moreno and neuroscientist Jay Schulkin provide an accessible account of the evolution of neuroscience and the neuroscience of evolution. They describe today’s transformative devices, theories, and methods, and they show how theorizing about the brain and experimenting with it often go hand in hand.
Statistics in Social Work
An Introduction to Practical Applications
Amy Batchelor
Statistics in Social Work is a concise and approachable introduction to statistics that limits its coverage to the concepts most relevant to social workers. Besides presenting key concepts, it focuses on real-world examples that students will encounter in a social work practice.
From the Columbia Series on Religion and Politics series
The Rise and Fall of the Religious Left
Politics, Television, and Popular Culture in the 1970s and Beyond
L. Benjamin Rolsky
L. Benjamin Rolsky examines the ways in which American liberalism has helped shape cultural conflict since the 1970s through the story of how television writer and producer Norman Lear galvanized the religious left. He foregrounds the roles played by popular culture, television, and media in America’s religious history.
Voices from the Chinese Century
Public Intellectual Debate from Contemporary China
Edited by Timothy Cheek, David Ownby, and Joshua A. Fogel
Voices from the Chinese Century brings together a selection of essays from representative leading thinkers that open a window into public debate in China today on fundamental questions of China and the world—past, present, and future. The voices in this volume include figures from each of China’s main intellectual clusters.
New from Wallflower Press
Constantine Verevis
Banned soon after its first midnight screenings, Jack Smith’s incendiary Flaming Creatures (1963) quickly became a cause célèbre of the New York underground. This study of Smith’s magnum opus explores its status as a cult film that appropriates the visual texture, erotic nuance, and overt fabrication of old Hollywood exoticism.
New In Paper!
Alexander Hamilton on Finance, Credit, and Debt
Richard Sylla and David J. Cowen
This book traces the development of Alexander Hamilton’s financial thinking, policies, and actions through a selection of his writings. The financial historians and Hamilton experts Richard Sylla and David J. Cowen provide commentary that demonstrates the impact Hamilton had on the modern economic system
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Categories:New Book Tuesday
Tags:Alexander Hamilton on Finance Credit and DebtAmy BatchelorConstantine VerevisCraig EtchesonDavid J. CowenDavid OwnbyExtraordinary JusticeFlaming CreaturesJay SchulkinJonathan D. MorenoJoshua A. FogelL. Benjamin RolskyMag MenMilton GlaserRichard SyllaStatistics in Social WorkThe Brain in ContextThe Rise and Fall of the Religious LeftTimothy CheekVoices from the Chinese CenturyWalter Bernard