New Book Tuesday! Shadow Archives, The Unworthy Scholar, Female Fighters and More!

Our weekly list of new books is now available!

Shadow Archives

The Lifecycles of African American Literature

Jean-Christophe Cloutier

Female Fighters

Why Rebel Groups Recruit Women for War

Reed M. Wood

The New Censorship

Inside the Global Battle for Media Freedom

Joel Simon

The Quality of Growth in Africa

Edited by Ravi Kanbur, Akbar Noman, and Joseph E. Stiglitz

The Resistance in Western Europe, 1940-1945

Olivier Wieviorka 
Translated by Jane Marie Todd Foreword by Robert O. Paxton

Muslim Environmentalisms

Religious and Social Foundations

Anna M. Gade

Amboina, 1623

Fear and Conspiracy on the Edge of Empire

Adam Clulow

The Unworthy Scholar From Pingjiang

Republican-Era Martial Arts Fiction

John Christopher Hamm

A Time for Critique

Edited by Didier Fassin and Bernard E. Harcourt

What Remains

Everyday Encounters with the Socialist Past in Germany

Jonathan Bach

The Disappearing Christ

Secularism in the Silent Era

Phillip Maciak

Of Time and Lamentation

Reflections on Transience

Raymond Tallis


The Tyranny of Authenticity and the Rise of Populism

Catherine Fieschi

New Life for Old Ideas

Chinese Philosophy in the Contemporary World: A Festschrift in Honour of Donald J. Munro

Edited by Yanming An and Brian J. Bruya

Salon Salon 

Fine Art Practices from 1972 to 1982 in Profile – A Beijing Perspective

Edited by Liu Ding and Carol Yinghua Lu

Learning Chinese Language and Culture, Volume 1

Intermediate Chinese Textbook

Weijia Huang and Qun Ao

Learning Chinese Language and Culture, Volume 2

Intermediate Chinese Textbook

Weijia Huang and Qun Ao

Ukraine’s Maidan, Russia’s War

A Chronicle and Analysis of the Revolution of Dignity

Mychailo Wynnyckyj

Speaking Like a Spanish Cow

Cultural Errors in Translation

Edited by Clíona Ní Ríordáin and Stephanie Schwerter

Europe in the Caucasus, the Caucasus in Europe

Perspectives on the Construction of a Region

Edited by Thomas Kruessmann and Andrey Makarychev

In Search of Ultimate Reality

Inside the Cosmologist’s Abyss

H. Chris Ransford

Civic Education in the Context of Migration

Politische Bildung im Kontext der Migration

Edited by Ewa Bobrowska, Dorota Gierszewski, Julia Kluzowicz

Shakespeare: His Infinite Variety

Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of His Death

Krystyna Kujawińska Courtney and Grzegorz Zinkiewicz


An Important Part of the Pacific

Edited by Dariusz Zdziech

Social Construction of Sex Work

Ethnography of Escort Agencies in Poland

Izabela Ślęzak

Direction: Future

25 Years of Freedom and the Roma People

Sławomir Kapralski, Małgorzata Kołaczek, and Joanna Talewicz-Kwiatkowska

Anthropology and Ethnography During World War II

The Activity of Sektion Rassen- und Volkstumsforschung Institut für Deutsche Ostarbeit in the Light of New Source Materials

Edited by Małgorzata Maj, Marcin Brocki, and Stanisława Trebunia-Staszel. Translated by Katarzyna Dorota Diehl

Participatory Social Work

Research, Practice, Education

Edited by Mariusz Granosik, Anita Gulczyńska, Małgorzata Kostrzyńska, and Brian Littlechild