New Book Tuesday: Nuclear Iran, Contemporary U.S. Fiction, Arab Politics, Afghan Elections, and More New Titles!

Our weekly list of new titles now available:

Anticipating a Nuclear Iran: Challenges for U.S. Security
Jacquelyn K. Davis and Robert L. Pfaltzgraff Jr.

Toward the Geopolitical Novel: U.S. Fiction in the Twenty-First Century
Caren Irr

Sectarian Politics in the Gulf: From the Iraq War to the Arab Uprisings
Frederic M. Wehrey

Derailing Democracy in Afghanistan: Elections in an Unstable Political Landscape
Noah Coburn and Anna Larson

The Company and the Shogun: The Dutch Encounter with Tokugawa Japan
Adam Clulow

Henry Stubbe and the Beginnings of Islam: The Originall & Progress of Mahometanism
Edited by Nabil Matar

A Perpetual Fire: John C. Ferguson and His Quest for Chinese Art and Culture
Lara Jaishree Netting

Why Aren’t They There?: The Political Representation of Women, Ethnic Groups, and Issue Positions in Legislatures
Didier Ruedin

New Nation-States and National Minorities
Edited by Julien Danero Iglesias, Nenad Stojanović, and Sharon Weinblum