Gastropolis in Reading New York
The New York Times featured Gastropolis: Food and New York City, edited by Annie Hauck-Lawson and Jonathan Deutsch, in their roundup of New York City books and gave special praise for the book’s delightful cover (see right).
From the article:
Few cities offer as much food for thought as New York. Now comes “Gastropolis: Food and New York City” (Columbia University Press, $29.95). The work, edited by Annie Hauck-Lawson and Jonathan Deutsch, two City University professors, is a veritable feast.
“New Yorkers have formed relationships with food that have helped shape the identity of their great city,” they write. “Whether you find yourself extracting the last slurp from the paper cup at the Lemon Ice King in Corona, eating fiery Jamaican jerk chicken fresh off the oil-drum grills at Badoo’s in Flatbush or enjoying a cool ocean breeze with a Nathan’s hot dog in hand on the Coney Island boardwalk, New York City allows the edible sensibility of traveling the world.”
…This is one book you can tell by its cover: a delightful illustration by Monica Gurevich of a city where you can eat your heart out.