CUP Authors at the Organization of American Historians Convention

Columbia University Press; American History TitlesThis coming weekend scholars of American history will descend upon New York City for their annual convention, sponsored by the Organization for American Historians. Several Columbia University Press authors will be there on panels covering everything from Islam in the United States to the legacy of Marting Luther King. In years past, the History News Network has provided reports from the convention.

Other interesting sites that offer opinion and news about events and ideas shaping the study of American history include, AHA Today, PhDinHistory, Religion in American History, and U. S. Intellectual History.

Here’s a list of Columbia University Press authors that will presenting at the OAH conference, including the name of the panels, and the titles of their papers (when applicable):

* Edward E. Curtis: Islam in the United States / “Toward a Transnational History of African American Islam”
* Penny Von Eschen: Race, Political Activism, and the Cold War
* Juan Flores: In Situ: Knowledge-Making With Living Communities, Understanding Historic Weeksville, Chinatown, and the South Bronx
* Todd Gitlin: Does Liberalism Have a Usable Past
* Kenneth T. Jackson: The Imagined Metropolis: Bringing Together the Ideas and Realities of American Cities and Suburbs, and Rebuilding and Renovating American Cities in the Twentieth Century
* Manning Marable: Storm Warnings: Rethinking 1968, and Forty Years Since King, A Roundtable Discussion: Struggling to End Racism, Sexism, Poverty, and War / “The King Legacy and Today’s Freedom Struggle”
* Adam McKeown, Empires, States, and Migrants in Transpacific History, “From Basin to Border: Transpacific Migration in Global Context, 1840-1849”

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