Prairie Lights and Northtown Books Win CUP 125 Anniversary Display Contest!
This season, we held a display competition among bookstores as part of our year-long quasquicentennial celebration. The competition, which ran February 23 to April 20, was open to stores nationwide. Today, we are proud to announce that the first and second place winners were Prairie Lights (Iowa), and Northtown Books (California). All participating bookstores did a great job of putting together branded displays, but Prairie Lights took first place for the creative use of our books and for incorporating the visual design of the 125th poster into the display. Northtown Books had a large window display that strongly featured our 125th anniversary logo. The two winners each received a trip for one employee to New York City for BEA 2018.
We invite you to scroll through these photos and to stop by your local bookstores and submit your photo of our books or a Columbia University Press book display and post it on social media using the hashtag #CUP125.