Take a Tour of Our CSWE Virtual Booth with Stephen Wesley

Welcome to the virtual book exhibit for the 2020 annual program meeting of the Council on Social Work Education.
Over the next few days, we’ll be sharing a few posts that highlight new and forthcoming titles.
If I were to pick a theme tying these books together, it would be “social work with the overlooked.” Social workers often serve the people left behind or ignored, the ones who suffer in silence. The new books that have debuted this year all have this in common: they bring up the issues of populations who are often at the back of the line: the military veteran, the Black teenager, the incarcerated older adult, the genderqueer client.
We will hear from the psychologists Robert Carter and Alex Pieterse, whose book Measuring the Effects of Racism proposes an approach to understanding racism that connects particular experiences and incidents with a person’s individual psychological and emotional response. They detail how practitioners can evaluate the specific effects of race-based encounters that produce psychological distress and possibly impairment or trauma.
We’ll also host a webinar from Tina Maschi and Keith Morgen on their book Aging Behind Prison Walls. Tina and Keith have studied one of our criminal justice system’s overlooked populations: incarcerated older adults. Separated from their families and communities despite a low risk of recidivism, incarcerated older adults represent a major social-justice issue: What is it like to spend your sixties, seventies, and eighties in prison?
And, finally, we’ll hear from Dave Ekerdt, the author of Downsizing, on the delicate process of unburdening oneself from possessions in later life. Most older adults eventually arrive at the moment when they must shed their material convoy, and his book sensitively examines the social and psychological dimensions of that unloading.
I hope my enthusiasm for these books comes through—I am proud to have published them. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with questions or ideas for other books that can join their ranks.
Editor, Social Work
Save 20% on all CSWE featured titles when you use discount code CSWE2020 at checkout now through December 31.