New Book Tuesday! Thriving in Crisis, The Power of And, The Ages of Globalization and more!

Our weekly list of new books is now available!


The Ages of Globalization

Geography, Technology, and Institutions

Jeffrey D. Sachs

Jeffrey D. Sachs turns to world history to shed light on how we can meet the challenges and opportunities of the twenty-first century. He takes readers through a series of seven distinct waves of technological and institutional change, starting with early modern humans and ending with reflections on today’s globalization.

The Alchemy of Disease

How Chemicals and Toxins Cause Cancer and Other Illnesses

John Whysner

In this work, John Whysner offers an accessible and compelling history of toxicology and its key findings. He details the experiments and discoveries that revealed the causal connections between chemical exposures and diseases.

Thriving in Crisis

Buddhism and Political Disruption in China, 1522–1620

Dewei Zhang

This is a systematic study of the late Ming Buddhist renewal with a focus on the religious and political factors that enabled it. Dewei Zhang explores the history of the boom in enthusiasm for Buddhism in the Jiajing-Wanli era (1522–1620), tracing a pattern of advances and retrenchment at different social levels in varied regions.

The Power of And

Responsible Business Without Trade-Offs

R. Edward Freeman, Kirsten E. Martin, and Bidhan L. Parmar

The Power of And offers a new narrative about the nature of business, revealing the focus on responsibility and ethics that unites today’s most influential ideas and companies. R. Edward Freeman, Kirsten E. Martin, and Bidhan L. Parmar detail an emerging business model built on five key concepts.

New from Wallflower!

Herstories on Screen

Feminist Subversions of Frontier Myths

Kathleen Cummins

Herstories on Screen is a transnational study of feature narrative films from Australia, Canada, the United States, and New Zealand/Aotearoa that deconstruct settler-colonial myths. Kathleen Cummins offers in-depth readings of ten works by a diverse range of women filmmakers, revealing how they skillfully deploy genre tropes.

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