New Books in International Affairs from Agenda Publishing, Verlag Barbara Budrich, and Ibidem Press

No trip to the Columbia University Press booth would be complete without a look at what’s new from our distribution partners around the world! This year, we’re very excited to launch a robust list of titles on a wide swath of topics.
From Agenda Publishing, we have Tim Summers’s China’s Hong Kong: The Politics of a Global City, which looks back at the two decades that have followed the constitutional settlement that established Chinese rule over the city—two decades that have seen dramatic social and political changes in Hong Kong, the economic rise of China, and the resultant shifts in the global economy—to ask what the state of this settlement is today.
Also from Agenda is Martin Westlake’s Slipping Loose: The UK’s Long Drift Away from the European Union. Westlake argues that, far from being the result of a variety of acute or short-term pressures or an impulsive act of rejection, Brexit was instead a long-term process, and that the UK was for years an increasingly semi-detached member of the EU, one that required ever more elaborate and ingenious fixes with opt-outs and rebates to keep its involvement in the project.
From Verlag Barbara Budrich, we’re excited to display Germany’s New Partners, edited by Sven Bernhard Gareis and Matthew Rhodes, which examines Germany’s post-2008 crisis role as European leader and how this is reflected in the country’s bilateral security relationships with key global and regional partners. We also have New Authoritarianism, edited by Jerzy J. Wiatr, which looks at comparative aspects of contemporary authoritarianism, including case studies from twenty-first-century regimes in Hungary, Kenya, Poland, Russia, and Turkey.
From ibidem Press, check out Viktoria Potapkina’s Nation Building in Contested States, a fascinating comparative study that looks at the processes that help legitimize entities like the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, and Kosovo from within and create support for their ongoing existence. Also don’t miss Migration: The Challenge of European States, edited by Jaroslav Mihálik and Jakub Bardovič, which collects a plethora of perspectives on the refugee crisis faced by the European Union.