New from Transcript-Verlag! An Eclectic Bestiary, Ludotopia, Musical Practice as a Form of Life and more!

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From the Human-Animal Studies series 

An Eclectic Bestiary

Encounters in a More-than-Human World

Edited by Birgit Spengler and Babette B. Tischleder

The essays, poetry, and visual art collected here consider the more-than-human cultures of our multispecies world. At a time when humanity’s impact has put our planet’s ecosystems into great jeopardy, the book explores literary, sonic, and visual imaginaries that feature encounters between and across a variety of living creatures.

From the Culture and Social Practice series 

Youth and the State in Guinea

Meandering Lives

Michelle Engeler

By combining an ethnographic study of youth with an analysis of the local state in the making, this monograph introduces the perspective of “meandering lives” to grasp being young and growing up in the Guéckédou borderland, a remote space approximately 700 kilometers southeast of Conakry, Guinea’s capital.


From the Music and Sound Culture series 

Musical Practice as a Form of Life

How Making Music Can be Meaningful and Real

Eva-Maria Houben

How is musical practice connected with everyday life? Eva-Maria Houben shows that performing music as an activity—indeed, as playing—allows meaning to unfold in specific situations, places, and relationships.


From the KI-Kritik / AI Critique series 

The Democratization of Artificial Intelligence

Net Politics in the Era of Learning Algorithms

Edited by Andreas Sudmann

The aim of this book is to discuss the heterogenous conditions, implications, and effects of modern AI and internet technologies in terms of their political dimension: What does it mean to critically investigate efforts of net politics in the age of machine learning algorithms?


From the Media Studies series 


Spaces, Places, and Territories in Computer Games

Edited by Espen Aarseth and Stephan Günzel

Where do computer games “happen”? The articles collected in this pioneering volume explore the categories of “space,” “place,” and “territory” to lay the groundwork for the study of spatiality in games.


From the Urban Studies series 

Cities of Entanglements

Social Life in Johannesburg and Maputo Through Ethnographic Comparison

Barbara Heer

How do people live together in cities shaped by inequality? This comparative ethnography of two African cities, Maputo and Johannesburg, presents a new narrative about social life in cities often described as sharply divided.


From the Architecture series 

Architectonics of Game Spaces

The Spatial Logic of the Virtual and Its Meaning for the Real

Edited by Andri Gerber and Ulrich Götz

What consequences does the design of the virtual yield for architecture and to what extent can architecture be used to turn game-worlds into sustainable places in “reality”? This pioneering collection gives an overview of contemporary developments in designing video games and of the relationships such practices have established with architecture.

From the Science Studies series 

Sustainable Development in Science Policy-Making

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research’s Policies for International Cooperation in Sustainability Research

Anna Schwachula

This study focuses on German science policy for research cooperation with developing countries and emerging economies in sustainability research. Based on interviews with policy makers and researchers, it scrutinizes the actors, processes and contents of science policy in Germany.


From the Educational Research series 

Creating Learning Spaces

Experiences from Educational Fields

Joachim Broecher

What can we learn from a teacher’s journal about working with challenging youth? What experiences transpire during a train trip to the sea with an unruly crew of school boys? What happens when children plan a trip on their own? This book illustrates formative and inspirational moments from the author’s years as a dedicated teacher and father.


From the Social Sciences series 

Internet Health Report 2019

Mozilla Foundation

This annual report is a call to action to recognize the things that are having an impact on the internet today and to embrace the notion that we can change how we make money, govern societies, and interact with one another online.


From the Lettre series 

Narcissistic Mothers in Modernist Literature

New Perspectives on Motherhood in the Works of D.H. Lawrence, James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, and Jean Rhys

Marie Géraldine Rademacher

Narcissistic mothers are an important motif in modernist literature. Tracing its appearance in the works of writers such as D.H. Lawrence and Virginia Woolf, this book questions the dichotomous image of either benevolent or suffocating mother, which has pervaded religion, art, and literature for centuries.


Radio as Art

Concepts, Spaces, Practices

Edited by Anne Thurmann-Jajes, Ursula Frohne, Jee-Hae Kim, Maria Peters, Franziska Rauh, and Sarah Rothe

Up to and into the digital present radio has been – and still is – employed and explored as an apparatus-based structure as well as an (alternative) model for performance and perception. This volume investigates a broad range of aesthetic experiments with the broadcasting technology of radio. It also sheds light on the use of radio as a means of disseminating artistic concepts and on questions of mediation of this art form.


From the Memory Cultures series 

The “Spectral Turn”

Jewish Ghosts in the Polish Post-Holocaust Imaginaire

Zuzanna Dziuban

Zuzanna Dziuban contributes to understandings of the figure of the ghost by inquiring into its culturally and historically located modality: the emergence of Jewish ghosts in contemporary Polish popular culture, literature, and critical art. Locating this new interest in Jewish ghosts on the map of other Polish (and Jewish) ghostologies, this study seeks to explore the cultural and political functions of the post-Holocaust haunted imaginaire.

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