Book Excerpt! Social Media and the Public Interest, by Philip M. Napoli (introduction)
“Drawing on the history of U.S. media regulation, Napoli offers an insightful framework for reimagining how social media can serve the public interest. Social Media and the Public Interest is an essential text for policy makers and those struggling to reduce the harm of caustic content and misinformation.”
~danah boyd, author of It’s Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens
Rounding out this week’s double feature is this excerpt from Social Media and the Public Interest: Media Regulation in the Disinformation Age, by Philip M. Napoli. In this introduction, Napoli discusses the history of media and the origins of social media platforms’ insistence that they are media companies despite their increasing role in news and politics. Read as Napoli breaks down these arguments posed by Facebook, Google and Twitter, among others, to reveal the the reality of their roles.
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