Announcing the Claremont Prize for the Study of Religion

Deadline for applications: October 1, 2019.

The Institute for Religion, Culture, and Public Life at Columbia University is seeking submissions to its
new Claremont Prize for the Study of Religion. The prize is dedicated to the publication of first books
by early career scholars working in any discipline of the humanities or social sciences. Submissions can be
on any aspect of the study of religion, including the study of secularism. Prize-winners will be invited to
IRCPL to participate in a workshop and the books will appear in IRCPL’s series, “Religion, Culture, and
Public Life,” published by Columbia University Press.


The international competition is open to scholars working in the social sciences and humanities.
Submissions must meet the following criteria:

  1. Authors must have received the PhD on or after January 1, 2012.
  2. The manuscript must be single-authored.
  3. The submission must be the author’s first book (excluding edited books).
  4. The manuscript must not be under consideration at any other press.


  • October 1, 2019: Deadline for submission
  • November 2019: Notification by selection committee of short list
  • November 2019 – February 2020: Short-listed manuscripts peer reviewed by Columbia University Press
  • March 2020: Prize winners announced by IRCPL
  • May 2020: Workshop for winning books at Columbia University

Submission Instructions

Applicants should submit the following materials to Marianna Pecoraro at Please
merge application form, CV and book précis into one PDF file; the book manuscript should be sent as a
separate PDF file. All file names should include the applicant’s last name.

  1. Completed application form (found at this link:
  2. Brief CV. Maximum 2 pages. Please include contact details for two references.
  3. Book Précis. Maximum 2000 words. Please include: (a) Title; (b) Abstract; (c) Full description (thesis, purpose, methodological approach, and intended contribution to literature); (d) Chapter
    outline; and (e) Market considerations and intended audience.
  4. Full Book Manuscript, including low-res images (if applicable).

Click here to download a PDF version of this announcement.
Download the application form here.

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