Media Roundup: Books that Discuss Sexual Violence, Gender Politics, and Gender Studies

In celebration of Women’s History Month, today we are featuring books authored by women that discuss sexual violence, gender politics, and gender studies.
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In Hunting Girls, Kelly Oliver examines popular culture’s fixation on representing young women as predators and prey and the implication that violence—especially sexual violence—is an inevitable part of a woman’s maturity.
From the CUP Archive
Tainted Witness examines how gender, race, and doubt stick to women witnesses as their testimony circulates in search of an adequate witness.
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From the CUP Archive
City Folk and Country Folk
Sofia Khvoshchinskaya
Translated by Nora Seligman Favorov
Upending Russian literary clichés of female passivity and rural gentry benightedness, Sofia Khvoshchinskaya centers her story on a common-sense, hardworking noblewoman and her self-assured daughter living on their small rural estate.
From the CUP Archive
The Hillary Doctrine
Sex and American Foreign Policy
Valerie M. Hudson and Patricia Leidl. Foreword by Swanee Hunt
Blending history, fieldwork, theory, and policy analysis while incorporating perspectives from officials and activists on the front lines of implementation, this book is the first to thoroughly investigate the Hillary Doctrine in principle and practice.
From the CUP Archive
This landmark work from a renowned feminist historian is a foundational demonstration of the uses of gender as a conceptual tool for cultural and historical analysis.
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Theoretically rigorous and lucidly written, Penis Envy and Other Bad Feelings is a trenchant critique of contemporary gender relations. Refuting the idea that we live in a postfeminist world where gender inequalities have been transcended, Ruti describes how neoliberal heteropatriarchy has transformed itself in subtle and stealthy, and therefore all the more insidious, ways.
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Sexual Politics
Kate Millett
Foreword by Catharine A. MacKinnon
Afterword by Rebecca Mead
A sensation upon its publication in 1970, Sexual Politics documents the subjugation of women in great literature and art. Kate Millett’s analysis targets four revered authors—D. H. Lawrence, Henry Miller, Norman Mailer, and Jean Genet—and builds a damning profile of literature’s patriarchal myths and their extension into psychology, philosophy, and politics.
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From the CUP Archive
In Extreme Domesticity, Susan Fraiman reminds us that keeping house is just as likely to involve dislocation, economic insecurity, creative improvisation, and queered notions of family.
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From the CUP Archive
Categories:Gender StudiesMedia RoundupWomen's Studies
Tags:Catharine A. MacKinnonCity Folk and Country FolkExtreme DomesticityGender and the Politics of HistoryHunting GirlsJoan Wallach ScottKate MillettKelly OliverLeigh GilmoreMari RutiNora Seligman FavorovPatricia LeidlPenis Envy and Other Bad FeelingsRebecca MeadSexual PoliticsSofia KhvoshchinskayaSusan FraimanSwanee HuntTainted WitnessThe Hillary DoctrineValerie M. Hudsonwomen's history monthWomen's History Month 2019