Book Excerpt! Smarter New York City: How City Agencies Innovate

Cities today are hotbeds of innovation for sustainable development, and Smarter New York City presents a compendium of fascinating and insightful case studies of how New York City is building a smarter, fairer, and greener city. This is a brilliant, timely, and remarkably useful guidebook to promote sustainable development innovations in cities around the world.

~ Jeffrey D. Sachs, University Professor, Columbia University, and director, UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network

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As the world remembers a sobering day, today, we’d like to bring focus on some of the positive changes that are taking over New York City. To do so, we’re sharing an excerpt from Smarter New York City: How City Agencies InnovateThis book explains how innovation from within city agencies and administrations makes urban systems smarter and shapes life in New York City. With case studies challenge the tech-centric view of innovation, Smarter New York City brings together a multidisciplinary and integrated perspective to imagine new possibilities from within city agencies. The following is an excerpt from the book’s introduction.