Weekly RoundUP: Women’s History, Pi Day and More!

Good evening UPers. Hope your day was better than mine. Why? Because I’m just generous that way. Ready for some news? I’ve got the scoop.


Happy belated birthday to all women everywhere – We rock; we’re dimes; we shine bright.

Yesterday, March 8th, was International Women’s Day! Mostly all presses gave salute, including the University Press of Kansas, which honored women with some groovy classics with eye-catching covers. These include Wanted Women: An American Obsession in the Reign of J. Edgar Hoover by Mary Elizabeth Strunk, First Ladies and American Women in Politics and at Home by Jill Abraham Hummer, Beyond Rosie the Riveter: Women of World War II in American Popular Graphic Art by Donna B. Khaff, The Woman Who Dared to Vote: The Trial of Susan B. Anthony by N. E. H. Hull, Those Girls: Single Women in Sixties and Seventies Popular Culture by Katherine J. Lehman and Daughters of Aquarius: Women of the Sixties Counterculture by Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo.


Quick! What does pi equal?

Princeton is awaiting a more mathematical event – Pi Day! Pi Day is March 14th because the first three digits of pi are 3.14. I’ll throw in a cookie if you shout out the remaining digits without googling. In honor of Pi Day, Princeton is raising the roof with Albert Einstein (in spirit of course) who turns 139 this year! Amazing. Festivities are taking place on Saturday, March 10th and Wednesday, March 14th. There’s a pie eating contest people – it does not get any better than that. Click here for more details and dates on this knee-slapping event. You do not want to miss it.


Buzz, buzz… Spring is here?

Not quite. But the Philadelphia Flower Show is. And this year the theme is “Wonders of Water.” In honor of this beauty, Temple University wants to celebrate their blooming titles. If you’re into gorgeous landscapes and beautiful gardens, you might want to take a gander at some of these books. Check out The Magic of Children’s Gardens: Inspiring Through Creative Design by Lolly Tai, A Guide to the Great Gardens of the Philadelphia Region, text by Adam Levine, photographs by Rob Cardillo, City in a Park: A History of Philadelphia’s Fairmount Park System by James McClelland and Lynn Miller, Flow: The Life and Times of Philadelphia’s Schuylkill River by Beth Kephart and Boathouse Row: Waves of Change in the Birthplace of American Rowing by Dotty Brown. Get your early Spring on – Whoop whoop!


With every garden comes an insect…

Harvard University Press is here to remind us that flies are among us, and will never ever disappear, not as long as we’re around. Solution? Build a better flytrap! Click here to read the full article on how to build an effective fruit fly catcher, described by author of First in Fly: Drosophila Research and Biological Discovery. Also pick up this book if you have a fascination for fruit flies – you might be interested to learn more about this little creature, and perhaps appreciate its beauty? Think of it as fruit fly nuisance therapy. Ét voilà.


And the Biography Prize goes to…

The editors of Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly at the University of Hawaii at Mānoa have announced a call for nominations for the 2018 Biography Prize. This prize is awarded to a UH Mānoa graduate student who showcases excellency in life writing. The winner will receive a monetary award and is invited to give a presentation in the Brown Bag Biography lecture series. Exciting!

Click here for more information, including deadline, criteria, etc.  Apply. Who knows? You might be the lucky winner!

We’ve come to the end of our program folks. I know you’re itching for more but I’ve got good news: I’ll be back next week for your sanity and academic press tidbits. Until then, stay fresh and clean. Oh and don’t forget to sleep all you can on Saturday before we lose an entire hour of sleep on Sunday. Daylight Saving Time is not our friend. You can’t sit with us!