New Book Tuesday!

Our weekly listing of new books is now available:
Democratic Transition in the Muslim World
A Global Perspective
Edited by Alfred Stepan
The Sarashina Diary
A Woman’s Life in Eleventh-Century Japan
Sugawara no Takasue no Musume. Translated, with an introduction, by Sonja Arntzen and Moriyuki Itō
New In Paper!
How Texture Makes Taste
Ole G. Mouritsen and Klavs Styrbæk. Translated by Mariela Johansen
New In Paper!
The Thirteenth Step
Addiction in the Age of Brain Science
Markus Heilig
Beyond the Panama Papers
The ANTICORRP Project: Anticorruption Report 4
Edited by Alina Mungiu-Pippidi
(Barbara Budrich Publishers)
The Concept of the New
Framing Production and Value in Contemporary Performing Arts
Livia Andrea Piazza
(Barbara Budrich Publishers)
Czech Politics
From the West to East and Back Again
Stanislav Balík, Vit Hloušek, Lubomir Kopeček, Jan Holzer, Pavel Pšeja, and Andrew Lawrence Roberts
(Barbara Budrich Publishers)
Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Skills in Europe
Examples to Improve Potential Entrepreneurial Spirit
Edited by Ileana Hamburg and Alexandra David
(Barbara Budrich Publishers)
External Democracy Promotion and Diversity Among International Agencies
Evaluating Variances in the Impact of the UNDP and the EC in Rwanda
Simone Beetz
(Barbara Budrich Publishers)
Fathers in Work Organizations
Inequalities and Capabilities, Rationalities and Politics
Edited by Brigitte Liebig and Mechtild Oechsle
(Barbara Budrich Publishers)
Migration and Social Pathways of Highly Educated People Moving East-West-East in Europe
Anna Guhlich
(Barbara Budrich Publishers)
Parents in the Spotlight
Parenting Practices and Support from a Comparative Perspective
Edited by Tanja Betz, Michael-Sebastian Honig, and Ilona Ostner
(Barbara Budrich Publishers)
Agrarian and Other Histories
Essays for Binay Bhushan Chaudhuri
Edited by Shubhra Chakrabarti and Utsa Patnaik
(Tulika Books)
How Do Small Farmers Fare?
Evidence from Village Studies in India
Edited by Madhura Swaminathan and Sandipan Baksi
(Tulika Books)
Sangin Beg. Translated by Nausheen Jaffery. Edited by Swapna Liddle
(Tulika Books)
Vivan Sundaram: History Project
Foreword by Homi K. Bhabha. Essays by Geeta Kapur, Saloni Mathur, Arindam Dutta, and Sibaji Bandyopadhyay
(Tulika Books)
Imagining Qianlong
Louis XV’s Chinese Emperor Tapestries and Battle Scene Prints at the Imperial Court in Beijing
Florian Knothe, Pascal-François Bertrand, Kristel Smentek, and Nicholas Pearce
(University Museum and Art Gallery, Hong Kong University)
Ifugao Sculpture
Traditional Philippine Cordillera Art
Martin Kurer
(University Museum and Art Gallery, Hong Kong University)
Western Medicine for Chinese
How the Hong Kong College of Medicine Achieved a Breakthrough
Faith C. S. Ho
(Hong Kong University Press)
The Market
Matthew Watson
(Agenda Publishing)
Ancient Enmity [Anthology]
International Poetry Nights in Hong Kong 2017
Edited by Shelby K. Y. Chan, Gilbert C. F. Fong, Lucas Klein, Christopher Mattison, Chris Song, and Ling Wang
(The Chinese University Press)
Ancient Enmity [box set]
International Poetry Nights in Hong Kong 2017
Edited by Shelby K. Y. Chan, Gilbert C. F. Fong, Lucas Klein, Christopher Mattison, Chris Song, and Ling Wang
(The Chinese University Press)
Red Swan
How Unorthodox Policy-Making Facilitated China’s Rise
Sebastian Heilmann
(The Chinese University Press)
Translation and Modernization in East Asia in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
Edited by Lawrence Wang-chi Wong
(The Chinese University Press)