Weekly RoundUp

By Joanne Raymond
Happy Friday fellow UP-ers! Before you get settled into weekend mode and your minds wander far away from authors, books and anything academic (unless that’s also your ideal weekend in which case, have at it!), get a small scoop on what your UP friends were up to this past week.
How to consider policy changes to reduce gun violence in America . . .
John Hopkins University Press isn’t holding back in the aftermath of yet another school massacre. In the wake of this week’s appalling events, it’s offering free copies of Reducing Gun Violence in America: Informing Policy with Evidence and Analysis (Johns Hopkins University Press. The book presents research and legal analysis to help lawmakers, opinion leaders, and concerned citizens consider policy changes to reduce gun violence in our country.
What to say when you hear that the Olympics are back…
The Olympic athletes aren’t the only ones receiving recognition. The University of Michigan Press is being honored for community leadership and innovation. It is actually one of three publishers listed as finalist for the UP Redux Award, which recognizes an individual, team or press that has made an excellent contribution to university press publishing through innovation, inspiration and challenging other academic presses to evolve. The ceremony took this week on February 13-14 place in London, UK at the University Redux Conference. Also in the running were Liverpool University Press, Australian National University Press, and Dr. Frances Pinter, founder of Knowledge Unlatched, who was been nominated as an individual. We should be finding out fairly soon who took home the gold!
Looks like the word of the day is… Honor.
Princeton University Press is honoring Black History Month by running a special blog series, where they will highlight books from PUP’s catalog, focusing on different experiences in African-American history. Recently, the press presented four books that explore African-American identity in local neighborhood history, religious activism, worldwide liberation movements and more. These titles include American Prophets by Albert J. Raboteau, I Hear My People Singing by Kathryn Watterson, The Age of Garvey by Adam Ewing, and Standing Soldiers, Kneeling Slaves by Kirk Savage. These books explore African-American identities nationally through various religious and political movements and meaningful historical conversations. Say it loud!
Speaking of power…
The power of women being able to walk into a clinic and terminate their own pregnancies for varying personal reasons has been the hot topic around town for some time. Pro-lifers are keeping their conservative views afloat, and articles like this one from Beacon Press are appearing on every webpage.
We’re keeping it short and sweet this week because we can. But see you next week with some more news from your fellow UP-ers. Stay friendly.