Introducing "Through Vegetal Being"
“How can we speak of the vegetal world? Is not one of its teachings to show without saying, or to say without words? I imagine that we will try to display and signify on this side or beyond any discourse. And this will not be an easy undertaking in a book. This will force us to give up the tradition of a language of philosophy. Will we be capable of such a gesture, such a challenge?” — Luce Irigaray
“I agree that this language is still largely absent and that one of our greatest challenges is to assist it in coming into being, to see to it that it could attain its full expression, without, at the same time, violating the silence of plants. Nothing less than a paradigm shift in our current idea of discursivity would do here.” — Michael Marder
This week, our featured book is Through Vegetal Being: Two Philosophical Perspectives, by Luce Irigaray and Michael Marder. To start the week’s feature, we are happy to present the initial correspondence between Irigaray and Marder that gave birth to their book project, with each letter presented as the prologue to the individual author’s section of Through Vegetal Being.
Don’t forget to enter our book giveaway for Through Vegetal Being!