New Book Tuesday: Creating a Learning Society by Joseph Stiglitz and Bruce Greenwald and More New Titles!

New books now available:

Creating a Learning Society, Joseph StiglitzCreating a Learning Society: A New Approach to Growth, Development, and Social Progress
Joseph E. Stiglitz and Bruce C. Greenwald

Our Broad Present: Time and Contemporary Culture
Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht

The Inner Life of the Dying Person
Allan Kellehear

Hisaki Matsuuri

Aged Young Adults: Age Readings of Contemporary American Novels and Films
Anita Wohlmann

Beware of the Other Side(s): Multiple Personality Disorder and Dissociative Identity Disorder in American Fiction
Heike Schwarz

Rubble, Ruins, and Romanticism: Visual Style, Narration and Identity in German Post-War Cinema
Martina Moeller

The Art of Reverse Engineering: Open – Dissect – Rebuild
Edited by Günther Friesinger and Jana Herwig

Inventing the Muslim Cool: Islamic Youth Culture in Western Europe
Maruta Herding

Debating Islam: Negotiating Religion, Europe, and the Self
Edited by Samuel M. Behloul, Susanne Leuenberger, and Andreas Tunger-Zanetti

Gender in Science and Technology: Interdisciplinary Approaches
Edited by Waltraud Ernst and Ilona Horwath

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