University Press Blog Roundup
To showcase the richness of university press publishing, every so often we like to highlight interesting and provocative items from other university press blogs. Apologies for those we did not include in this installment (see the blog roll for other press blogs).
Lara J. Nettelfield and Sarah E. Wagner discuss the fifteenth anniversary of the Srebrenica Genocide on the Cambridge University Press blog.
Duke University Press goes behind the scenes at a book printer.
The design director at Harvard University Press talks about new cover designs.
Kim Price-Glynn, author of Strip Club: Gender, Power, and Sex Work, is interviewed at the NYU Press blog.
Gordon Thompson, author of Please Please Me: Sixties British Pop, Inside Out revisits 1965 and the release of the Who’s “My Generation” over at the Oxford University Press blog.
VIDEO: A lecture from David Weintraub, author of How Old is the Universe? on “White Dwarfs and Baked Potatoes,” from the Princeton University Press blog.
A podcast interview with Toni Yancey, author of Instant Recess: Building a Fit Nation 10 minutes at a Time, at the University of California Press blog.
The University of Chicago Press’s interesting take on the viral video “So You Want to Get a PhD in the Humanities?”
A short excerpt from the forthcoming Woody Guthrie: American Radical, by Will Kaufman on the University of Illinois Press blog.