Interview with Joyce Mendelsohn, author of The Lower East Side Remembered and Revisited

Joyce Mendelsohn, author of The Lower East Side Remembered and Revisited was recently interviewed on Talkline with Zev Brenner.

In the interview (which starts at the 40 minute mark in the podcast) she discusses the state of the Jewish community on the Lower East Side in the past and today. While talking with Zev Brenner, Joyce touches on affordable housing issues, places to eat, synagogues, landmark buildings, and Jewish businesses located in the LES.

In talking about the neighborhood Joyce says,

People who say its dying off or languishing don’t realize the vibrancy of what’s going on in the community today. Just walking the streets of the Lower East Side, seeing the tenements, seeing the street signs, walking into the shops, passing the venerable synagogues, it’s a great Jewish experience and people come down during the week and on Sundays to look for their roots.