More on The Measure of America
Policymakers and the media are continuing to react and respond to the publication of The Measure of America: American Human Development Report, 2008-2009:
* Kristen Lewis, one of the book’s co-authors, was recently invited by Charles E. Schumer to testify before the Joint Economic Committee for a hearing entitled “How Much More Can American Families Be Squeezed By Stagnant Wages, Skyrocketing Household Costs , And Falling Home Prices”.
Lewis discussed the report’s findings and highlighted particularly worrisome areas of vulnerability for different groups of Americans in today’s faltering economy. The Web page includes Lewis’s statement to the committee and a video of the hearing.
* NPR’s Day to Day recently had a fascinating program that focused on The Measure of America and interviewed residents of both Fresno County, which the report ranks as the least economically developed district in the country, and New York City’s Upper East Side, considered the most developed.
In addition to listening to the program, you can also read about it and follow a discussion on the NPR Blog, Daydreaming: Taking Stock of the California Dream.
* In the Falls Church News-Press, Congressman Jim Moran of Virginia’s 8th Congressional District noted that the district he represents was ranked the 2nd best district in the nation in terms of its human development index. However, he also pointed to the many disparities between the haves and have-nots that the report lays bare. Moran concludes:
This report is yet another wake-up call to America that our domestic strengths: ensuring everyone has access to a good education, is afforded quality healthcare and can obtain a job that is both meaningful and provides a decent standard of living are receding. Closing the gaps brought to life in this report should be a national priority. The billions we are sending overseas each day to Iraq for war and to oil producing nations for our energy would go a long way towards bringing new job, health and educational opportunities to the long-neglected regions of our country.