New Book Tuesday! Shadow Archives, The Unworthy Scholar, Female Fighters and More!

Our weekly list of new books is now available!
The Quality of Growth in Africa
Edited by Ravi Kanbur, Akbar Noman, and Joseph E. Stiglitz
The Resistance in Western Europe, 1940-1945
Olivier Wieviorka
Translated by Jane Marie Todd Foreword by Robert O. Paxton
A Time for Critique
Edited by Didier Fassin and Bernard E. Harcourt
The Disappearing Christ
Secularism in the Silent Era
Phillip Maciak
New Life for Old Ideas
Chinese Philosophy in the Contemporary World: A Festschrift in Honour of Donald J. Munro
Edited by Yanming An and Brian J. Bruya
Salon Salon
Fine Art Practices from 1972 to 1982 in Profile – A Beijing Perspective
Edited by Liu Ding and Carol Yinghua Lu
Ukraine’s Maidan, Russia’s War
A Chronicle and Analysis of the Revolution of Dignity
Mychailo Wynnyckyj
Speaking Like a Spanish Cow
Cultural Errors in Translation
Edited by Clíona Ní Ríordáin and Stephanie Schwerter
Europe in the Caucasus, the Caucasus in Europe
Perspectives on the Construction of a Region
Edited by Thomas Kruessmann and Andrey Makarychev
Civic Education in the Context of Migration
Politische Bildung im Kontext der Migration
Edited by Ewa Bobrowska, Dorota Gierszewski, Julia Kluzowicz
Shakespeare: His Infinite Variety
Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of His Death
Krystyna Kujawińska Courtney and Grzegorz Zinkiewicz
Direction: Future
25 Years of Freedom and the Roma People
Sławomir Kapralski, Małgorzata Kołaczek, and Joanna Talewicz-Kwiatkowska
Anthropology and Ethnography During World War II
The Activity of Sektion Rassen- und Volkstumsforschung Institut für Deutsche Ostarbeit in the Light of New Source Materials
Edited by Małgorzata Maj, Marcin Brocki, and Stanisława Trebunia-Staszel. Translated by Katarzyna Dorota Diehl
Participatory Social Work
Research, Practice, Education
Edited by Mariusz Granosik, Anita Gulczyńska, Małgorzata Kostrzyńska, and Brian Littlechild
Categories:New Book Tuesday
Tags:A Time for CritiqueAdam ClulowAgenda PublishingAkbar NomanAmboina 1623and Stanisława Trebunia-StaszelAndrey MakarychevAnita GulczyńskaAnna M. GadeAnthropology and Ethnology During World War IIBernard E. HarcourtBrian J. BruyaBrian LittlechildCarol Yinghua LuCatherine FieschiCivic Education in the Context of MigrationClíona Ní RíordáinDariusz ZdziechDidier FassinDirection: FutureDorota GierszewskiEric BulsonEurope in the Caucasus Caucasus in EuropeEwa BobrowskaFemale FightersGrzegorz ZinkiewiczH. Chris RansfordHarrington Park PressIbidem PressIn Search of Ultimate RealityIzabela ŚlęzakJagiellonian University PressJane Marie ToddJean-Christophe CloutierJoanna Talewicz-KwiatkowskaJoel SimonJohn Christopher HammJonathan BachJoseph E. StiglitzJulia KluzowiczKatarzyna Dorota DiehlKrystyna Kujawińska CourtneyLarry NuttbrockLearning Chinese Language and CultureLittle Magazine World FormLiu DingMałgorzata KołaczekMałgorzata KostrzyńskaMałgorzata MajMarcin BrockiMariusz GranosikMuslim EnvironmentalismsMychailo WynnyckyjNew Life for Old IdeasOceaniaOf Time and LamentationOlivier WieviorkaParticipatory Social WorkPhillip MaciakPopulocracyQun AoRavi KanburRaymond TallisReed M. WoodRobert O. PaxtonSalon SalonShadow ArchivesShakespeare: His Infinite VarietySławomir KapralskiSocial Construction of Sex WorkSpeaking like a Spanish CowStephanie SchwerterThe Chinese University PressThe Disappearing ChristThe New CensorshipThe Quality of Growth in AfricaThe Resistance in Western Europe 1940–1945The Unworthy Scholar from PingjiangThomas KruessmannTransgender Sex Work and SocietyUkraine's Maidan Russia's WarWeijia HuangWhat RemainsYanming An