Columbia University Press Announces Student Poetry Contest Winners!

In celebration of National Poetry Month, Columbia University Press is pleased to announce the three winners of the second annual Columbia Granger’s World of Poetry Student Poetry Contest. The Granger’s Poetry contest is held each April and generates high-quality submissions from students around the globe. This year’s competition was another success, with nearly 90 submissions from schools all over the country and as far away as Turkey.

The 2018 winning entries are:

Renaissance” by Mehmet Tufek of Istanbul Robert College of Istanbul, Inspired by Kiss Me, Then Give Birth to Me” by Cemal Sureya

Where Ludlow Meets Delancey” by Nina Curran of the Marymount School of New York, inspired by Howl” by Allen Ginsberg

From the Streets of Chiraq” by Simon Taylor of the Woodberry Forest School, inspired by From a War Station” by Ewart Alan Mackintosh

We will feature each winning entry on the Granger’s homepage April 25th, 26th, and 27th. The three overall winners each received a price of $100 worth of Columbia University Press books, as well as $100 worth of books for the students’ school.

The runner-ups are:

This Bitter Land” by Henry Ceffalio of Xavier High School, inspired by Sonnet 97” by William Shakespeare

A Letter for a Dead Citizen” by Spence Whitman of the Woodberry Forest school, inspired by “For a Dead Citizen” by Allen Tate

Stuck in Cement” by Jianni Woodson-Brooks of the Woodberry Forest School, inspired by Northboun’” by Lucy Ariel Williams Holloway

We will feature these poems the week of April 30–May4.

About Granger’s
:The Columbia Granger’s World of Poetry contains 250,000 poems in full text and 450,000 citations, numbers that will continually expand with each update. The poems in full text are the most widely-read in the English language, as well as in Spanish, French, German, and Italian. Included also is poetry in Portuguese, Polish, Yiddish, Welsh, Gaelic, and other Celtic languages, as well as poems in the ancient languages: Anglo-Saxon, Provencal and Latin. Scholars in each of these languages have reviewed and guided the selection of poems, so that the poetry on Granger’s is also the poetry encountered in the classroom.The Columbia Granger’s World of Poetry offers complete coverage of the works of several individual great poets, including the complete poems of Shelley, Blake, Burns, Keats, Marvell, Poe, Baudelaire, and other major poets.In addition users will find a wealth of current poetry from some of the best poetry periodicals, such as Poetry Magazine, The Southern Review, and Poetry Northwest.

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