"Academic Freedom and the Boycott of Israeli Universities," by Stanley Fish
This week our featured book is Who’s Afraid of Academic Freedom?, edited by Akeel Bilgrami and Jonathan Cole. The academic boycott of Israeli universities has generated a great deal of debate over the past few years. In this post, Stanley Fish examines the boycott and argues that, “if we are going to have an academy we should really have it in all its glorious narrowness and not transform it into an appendage of politics, even when–no, especially when–the politics is one that we affirm and believe in with all our hearts.”
Don’t forget to enter our book giveaway for a chance to win a free copy!
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It seems like I have to sign up for something to access the publication.
Is this the case? Because if so, that means it is not really an open publication.
New academic freedom. Now with less freedom!
Dear Ms. Scott,
Sorry that you are having difficulties accessing the excerpt! You shouldn’t have to sign up for anything to read it. There should be a small reader widget between “Don’t forget to enter our book giveaway for a chance to win a free copy!” and “Posted by Columbia University Press in Academia, Book Excerpt, Book of the Week, Featured Book”–if you just click in that box, the PDF should pop up in the same window in your browser. Alternately, you can click “Open Publication” at the bottom of that widget, which should open a new window in your browser linking directly to the excerpt on our hosting service’s website: issuu.com. Please let us know if you continue to have problems!
Columbia UP