Fracking, The Wire, Zombies, Why It's Good to Be Good and More from University Presses

Our weekly round up of some of the best posts from the world of university press blogs:

Andrew Cuomo and the Future of Fracking: Tuesday’s gubernatorial primary in New York state was, in part, a referendum on Andrew Cuomo’s policy on fracking. (Beacon Broadside)

The Crossroads of Fate and Character: An interview with Mark Richardson, author of Robert Frost in Context. Richardson argues says there will always be a place in this world for poetry as long as humans continue to be their imperfect selves. (Cambridge University Press)

Linda Williams on The Wire: While some celebrate the novelistic quality of The Wire, Williams argues that it’s necessary to appreciate the show’s more conventional characteristics: seriality, televisuality and melodrama. (Duke University Press)

Beyond the White Negro: An interview with Kimberly Chabot Davis, author of Beyond the White Negro: Empathy and Anti-Racist Reading. (University of Illinois Press)

From Paper Piles to Pages: On being an intern in the production department (Island Press)

Thomas Stubblefield discusses 9/11 and the Visual Culture of Disaster: Stubblefield argues that 9/11 visual culture foregrounds the visual experience as it obscures the event in absence, erasure, and invisibility. (Indiana University Press)

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, Your International Students…: Michael A. Olivas on how campus officials should help international students (Johns Hopkins University Press)

White students are no longer the numerical majority in U.S. schools but racial inequality persists: Gilda Ochoa on the segregated nature of American schools and how the curriculum has failed to keep pace with growing diversity. (University of Minnesota Press)

Beyond the Ride of Paul Revere: How Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s poem transformed Paul Revere into an unlikely hero. (University Press of New England)

What is Veiling: Sahar Amer, author of What is Veiling?, talks about one of Islam’s most misunderstood and controversial practices. (University of North Carolina Press)

Books That Cook: Caramel Cake: Laura Bisberg of NYU Press bakes a cake, Maya Angelou-style. (NYU Press)

10 Reasons Why it is Good to be Good: Paul Bloomfield brings together the ancient Greek conception of happiness with a modern conception of self-respect to show why being it’s bad to be a bad person and good to be a good person. (Oxford University Press)

Economic inequality, philanthropy, and the New (and old) Gilded Age: Francesca Sawaya rethinks standard economic histories of the literary marketplace, and looks at the contemporary creative marketplace and sees just how little has changed. (University of Pennsylvania Press)

We’re not the only ones obsessed with Zombies: A round up of recent Zombie scholarship (or, scholarship about Zombies). (Princeton University Press)

A Usable Past: How regimes shore up power through national narratives. (Stanford University Press)

Anti-Islamic Hate Crime and the Enduring Effects of 9/11: Lori Peek, author of Behind the Backlash, describes the aftereffects of the terrorist attacks for the Muslim community. (Temple University Press)

The Death of the Monarch Butterfly: How Monsanto’s introduction of a new herbicide is threatening monarchs. (Yale University Press)