Columbia University Press Online Access (CUPOLA)


Visitors to the Columbia University Press site will notice that many of our titles in social work, business, and economics, now include a button that allows you to access the book on Columbia University Press Online Access (CUPOLA).

As a reminder CUPOLA provides quick and easy access to full-text e-books and chapters of CUP’s titles. It allows you to search the full text of books or chapters and offers free access to selected chapters, notes, references, and indexes. Various purchase options let you decide how CUPOLA will work best for you and allow you to download e-books or chapters to your computer or view them on your e-reader.

CUPOLA was recently featured on the Tizra blog (Tizra created the Web platform for CUPOLA). In describing our use of CUPOLA they write:

A reader who just wants to answer quick questions about, say, how the concept of Strategic Innovation applies to Bill Gates, could just buy a chapter and browse it immediately online. Someone with a deep interest in the topic could buy the right to download the whole book, load it into their ereader and take it with them on the road.