And the Winner Is……
Those are words we are hoping to hear soon as a number of Columbia University Press books have made it to the final rounds of award competitions and we are waiting to hear if we are the lucky winner.
Yesterday Yale University’s Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition announced that Siddharth Kara’s book, Sex Trafficking: Inside the Business of Modern Slavery is a finalist for the 2010 Frederick Douglass Book Prize.
We are especially proud of the strength of our translation program, which has produced two finalists in recent months.
Translated by Bruce and Ju-Chan Fulton, Hwang Sunwon’s short story collection Lost Souls has made it to the final round of the American Literary Translators Association’s 2010 National Translation Award.
The French-American Foundation Translation Prize proudly choose Beverley Bie Brahic’s translation of Julia Kristeva’s This Incredible Need to Believe as a Finalist in the Non-Fiction category.
And last but not least, Chinese Shakespeares by Alexander C.Y. Huang won an Honorable Mention from the Joe A. Callaway Prize for 2008-09 for the best book on drama or theatre. The award is presented by New York University’s Department of English.
Congratulations to the authors and translators of these outstanding books. Keep your fingers crossed that we win!