University Press Blog Round-Up

Below is our regular update of interesting posts from fellow university press blogs.

Susan Campbell author of Dating Jesus: A Story of Fundamentalism on the Beacon Broadside.

Post-Racial America?, an essay by John Iceland on the University of California Weblog.

Congratulations to Seth Lerer for his nomination for the National Book Critics Circle award in the category of criticism/biography for his book, Children’s Literature: A Reader’s History from Aesop to Harry Potter (University of Chicago Press).

Duke University Press links to an NPR interview with Roger Beebe on the history of music videos.

Washington Post Book World ceases publication — the Harvard University Press blog looks at some of the reactions.

Watching the Obama Inauguration in the Arabian Peninsula . (Illinois Press Book Blog)

Interview with Douglas Edlin, author of Judges and Unjust Laws. (University of Michigan Press blog)

What if We Let Pilots Run Banking?, Trevor Pinch coauthor of Living in a Material World: Economic Sociology and Technology Studies explains on The MIT PressLog.

Corkscrewed: Adventures in the New French Wine Country author Robert Camuto interviewed on NPR. (University of Nebraska Press blog)

Q. I’ve been told that it used to be a crime in New York to be ugly in public. Sometimes it feels that way, but was it literally true? — Find out the answer at From the Square (the NYU Press blog).

UNC Press blog reads Gawker — laughs then cries.

What’s it like to spend a year reading the OED? Find out at the OUP blog.

James Cuno explores the question: ““Where do the great treasures of ancient art belong? In Western museums or in countries where the civilizations that created them once flourished?” on the Princeton University Press blog.

Is Leon Panetta the right man for the job at the CIA? John Diamond, author of The CIA and the Culture of Failure explores over at Stanford University Press blog.