Post-Convention Wrap-Ups — Philosophy

There seems to have been less coverage of the American Philosophical Association‘s meeting than some of the other academic conventions but below are a few dispatches from the meeting. Like the other conventions concerns about a shrinking job market were on the minds of many along with more scholarly concerns.

Carlin Romano’s article for The Philadelphia Inquirer, while a touch disparaging at times, offers a good overview of the conference and reminds readers that philosophy still elicits passionate debate and has the potential to have an impact beyond academia.

A lively forum on the Romano article from philosophy professors can be found be found at Leiter Reports. (Most tend to be critical of the article’s focus and tone.) Frustration about the meeting can also be found here and here.

Sorry we could not dig up more. However, despite the gloom felt by some at the conference, interesting work continues to be published. Speaking of which, dozens of our philosophy titles are on sale through the month.

Finally for more on the vitality of the philosophy profession, here is a trailer from Examined Life, a documentary now playing in some theaters which focuses on the ideas of key contemporary philosophers, including Cornel West, Peter Singer, Slavoj Zizek, Judith Butler, Avital Ronell, Michael Hardt, Anthony Appiah and Martha Nussbaum.