Book Excerpt! Journalism Under Fire, by Stephen Gillers (introduction)

Gillers expertly weaves together legal texts, public policy, and normative theory to shed new light on the Press Clause, which, as the work makes clear, has been largely abandoned by the Supreme Court in recent years. The book develops a persuasive and coherent Press Clause theory and outlines its practical implications.

~ Jonathan Peters, University of Georgia

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Read the introduction to Journalism Under Fire: Protecting the Future of Investigative Reporting, by Stephen Gillers. In this work, Stephen Gillers proposes a bold set of legal and policy changes to strengthen the freedom of the press and support the free press as a public good, including protecting news gathering and confidential sources. Journalism Under Fire weaves together practice, law, and policy into a program that can ensure a future for investigative reporting.

Remember to enter our drawing for a chance to win a free copy of the book!

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