Need the right quote? There's an app for that!

The Columbia World of Quotations is now available as app for the iPhone, and features 65,000 quotations by more than 5,000 authors covering 3,000 years—from Bella Abzug to Frank Zappa and Galileo to Themistocles.

The application is based on an expanded and updated version of the classic and frequently updated print version. The Columbia World of Quotations is the largest searchable database of quotations available as an iPhone application, providing its users with easy navigation and search capabilities.

Users can search for quotations in the application by author or speaker’s name, by subject, words within quotations, exact phrase, nationality, occupation, birth date, and century. Any or all of these categories can be selected for search criteria. The iPhone application also allows users to create lists of favorites, e-mail quotes, or just browse at random through the world of quotations.

The Columbia World of Quotations

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